Brief Intro

The Marlins is the University Second Swimming team. We are the perfect team for those who like training and competing but at a more relaxed and university-friendly schedule! We compete in our own Varsity in Lent term and we are looking to compete in BUCS in 2019/2020. We run trials early in Michaelmas term and base selection on this. The Marlins is a great team to be a part of and we have some great socials which really contributes to a good team ethos. If you are interested in joining, sign up for trials by coming to visit us at the Freshers Fair!


We train three times a week:

Monday 15:00-16:00

Tuesday 19:20 – 20:20

Friday 7:30am – 8:30am


For the 2019/2020 season the Men’s Captain is Nat Amos (, Women’s Captain is Iris Hall ( and the Social Sec is Emma Grainger.


For all University Sports members are required to pay subs to cover the costs of expenses such as pool time, ASA registration etc. For the 2018/19 Season subs were £175 for the year.

 Varsity Times

2019 Varsity Winners!!!

Fastest Time for each event

Teal = Cambridge

Navy = Oxford

100 IM1:04.681:12.55
50 BK28.7935.52
100 FC1:00.091:03.05
50 FLY27.9832.84
200 FC2:07.602:23.85
50 Brst33.5641.02


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