Recently, a member of our CUSWPC alumni, Barry James, highlighted an important point: hard-fought victories in the past over our opposition are not displayed as a matter of public record on our website!
Our club has certainly had a rich and successful history, from our fondly remembered Varsity victories in matches against our main rival Oxford, to how we have established a tight community of alumni as part of the Harold Beale club, to our Tadpoles Club social events. It would definitely be a shame to not commemorate the hard work our predecessors have inputted in their respective teams, and to celebrate their improvements, sporting experiences, successes in meets and matches.

Therefore, we are in the process of organising and uploading some old Varsity programmes (courtesy of Barry James- thank you for digging through and finding these!) to display a public record of past teams and scores. If other alumni members possess any other records from other years, feel free to share them with our publicity officers or Harold Beale Club officer, so we can show them on here.