This past year the CUSWPC committee did an excellent job, improving relations with the city swim team, organizing an incredible Tadpoles Dinner, Varsity Dinner, and endless other behind the scene tasks which have improved the standing of the club and made it a successful and enjoyable year. They have given so much of their time and energy to this club; it’s only fair we let them get on with doing other things in their lives. On behalf of the entire club, we’re giving them a huge heart-felt thank you, and wish them the best next year.

This farewell means that a whole new crop of committee members have been elected: ready to serve the greater CUSWPC needs, prepare a wonderful Varsity 2017, and make the year smooth running and enjoyable for all incoming, incumbent, and graduated tadpoles.

President: Erik Sullivan
Vice President: Claudia Feng
Secretary: James Gandendra
Treasurer: Henry Choong

Tadpoles’ President: Lydia Woodward
Open Water Captain: Matthew Chadwick

Sponsorship: Dan Brackenbury
Publicity: Lucy Morgan and Ruairi Hurson
Kit: Rhys Goodall
Website: Mario Cekic

Along with the rest of the committee, we have also had team captaincy, secretary, and social secretary elections for the upcoming year. These roles are essential for the daily organization, motivation, and functioning of the individual teams. This year the women’s water polo team has elected:

Captain: Laura Schubert
Secretary: Ella Irwin
Social Secretary: Ailsa Kiely, Laura Robinson

Last year, the men’s water polo captain doubled as their secretary and social secretary. After developing a strong team, all the positions have been filled for the upcoming year.

Men’s Co-Captains: Robert Gourley, Joseph Wu
Men’s Secretary: James Ganendra
Men’s Social Secretary: Péter Juhász

The Swimming Club has also elected captains and secretaries, who will help motivate the team and select the 2017 varsity athletes.

Men’s Captain: Dom Holloway
Women’s Captain: Amy Felgate
Secretary: Callum Ferguson and George Nikolakoudis

A strong committee, some determined captains, organized secretaries, and fun-loving social secretaries. Varsity 2017 promises to be a great time to be a tadpole.

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