CUSWPC President is Awarded an ‘Outstanding Contribution’ Award at the Inaugural Cambridge Sports Awards

Our one and only, current President, Ben Tinkler-Davies was congratulated for his “Outstanding Contribution” to our Club and became one of the seven incredible winners. During his four years with us, he has been an outstanding player, Captain, Vice President and President; and, although we are incredibly proud, we will be sad to see him…

Racing, Rallying and Records: Another thrilling Varsity Match for the Blues Swimmers

Blues Swimming Varsity 2020 was a closely fought contest, with Oxford winning by 97-83. The men’s teams tied 45-45, despite last minute injury to the Cambridge captain and breaststroke star, Lewis Waters. The men showed excellent team spirit in stepping up to race in last minute changes, with particular credit to Alfie Collins for rising…

Open Water Varsity 2019 Roundup

With no Biannual Channel Swim in 2019, the Cambridge open water season was geared towards our annual varsity race at Henley. The swim was 2.1km upstream along the Henley regatta rowing course with the race start at 5:40am. This year the varsity swimmers were combined into the “performance wave” of the Henley Classic Swim to…