We are asking photos of the club from alumni and were super happy with how many replies we already recieved, there are so many great photos!
This is part of a ‘vitual clubhouse’ we are trying to create so we can have the full history of the club because it would be a shame to lose this information.
If you know the names of anyone in your photo/ any of those that are up then we can label them.
Thanks to Daniel Woolcott, Peter de Groot, James Whidborne, David Cooke, Roger Alderson, Peter Kempe and Bob Harris for giving us the photos below.
If you have any more photos to send us then please do to cd545|at|cam.ac.uk
CUSC& OUSC women 1964
CUSWPC team 1964
CUSWPC June 1965
CUSWPC team 1967
CUSC 1967
CUSC at Kittens club 1967
CU Men Varsity Dinner 2012 (2011-12)
Back Row (L-R):
Andras Kapuvari, Tom Maxey, ??, Roumteen Keshe, Michael Weeks, David Leigh, Mike Gormally, Sean True, Matija Marijan, Owen Waugh, Christoph Schmidhuber, Josh Hirschowitz, Adam Kuo
Front Row (L-R):
Ultimate TJ, Matt Ingrams, Hamish Crichton, Dan Woolcott, Pete Lucas, Ian Cooper
Varsity Lineup 2013 (2012-13)
Cambridge Front to Back: Hamish Crichton, Bruno Federico (GK), Dan Woolcott, Tom Maxey, Andras Kapuvari, Mike Gormally, Alex Davies, Favio Van Der Zuid, Ina Cooper, Brett Ormrod, Devan Du Plooy, TJ, Josh Hirschowitz
CU men 2013
CU Men 2013 (outside Trinity)
CU Men UPolo Finals 2013 (2012-13)
(L-R) Fabio Van der Zuid, Dan Woolcott, Sean True, Hamish Crichton, Alex Davies, Nick Ludford, Brett Ormrod, Devan Du Plooy, TJ
CU Men & Women UPolo Finals 2013 2012-13 Season.
Back Row (L-R):
Nick Ludford (Womens Coach), Fran Brandon, Dan Woolcott, Sean True, Alex Kellaway, Fabio Van der Zuid, Becky Hulbert, Devan Du Plooy, Beth Eastwood, Hamish Crichton
Front Row (L-R):
Anna Sutcliffe, Alex Davies, Sophie Clarke, Brett Ormrod, Becky Wetten, TJ